Responding to a call for works around the act of walking by Kuopio, Finland’s ANTI Festival, I developed the following project.
Many of us sing/hum/whistle as we walk. A ubiquitous pop song or our own aria, our steps are guided by inner melodies. With TRAIPSING(ING), a choral song is composed using cumulative recordings that participants make, walking a predetermined path. Participants are given a map & a playback/recording device. Listening to the track while walking, they press record and join in when they like. O’Hara later edits the tracks to compose a masterpiece!
You will be given a map.
You will be given a recorder and; a microphone.
When you start to walk, start to record.
You hear footsteps. This is your beat. Follow it or ignore it.
You are free to sing, whistle, hum, beatbox, run… etc.
You can even ignore the map!!
The only thing you must do is to make a recording that ends when the footsteps end. (+/- 14 minutes)
And also: bring the recorder back!!
Come back to Intro, the Festival Center at 6pm on Sunday to hear the premiere of the collective Traipsing(ing) track.