CD Launch love
The launch of my new CD, Ellipsis, at the lovely Sala Rossa, was a total love fest. The opening event, a quartet of nutty duos curated by Et Marianne et Simon, was a feast for the ears, eyes and nose. It was strange and it was wonderful.
The band – Bernard Falaise on guitar, Alexandre St-Onge on bass, Sophie Trudeau on violin and backing vocals, and Michel F. Côté on drums – was amazing.
I felt very glamorous in the outfits that Angie Johnson of Norwegian Wood lent me. Check out her great etsy shop.
The audience was hot!
Looking back at the video, I regretted that my normally ebullient, funny MC character was nowhere to be seen. I guess singing pretty songs that go on about my feeeeelings is a little different than doing cabaret or comedy. Nervous-making! I completely forgot to tell folks to stick around for a drink and a dance. So the dance party was small, but fuuuuun!
Mille mercis à tout ceux qui ont participé à cette super belle soirée!!!