Guizo La Nuit aka Guizo L’ennui aka Guizo Lennuit is going on tour!

Man, this guy is getting more work than I am. I’m not surprised, he’s so charming and handsome. He’ll be hosting a late night cabaret in the hall of the Barbican in jolly Londontown, then he’s off to gig with his old war buddy, Zeroboy at one of them boutique hotels in the big Apple. Then to the Nation’s Capital to premiere his first full-length show, In the Heat of LaNuit in the late-night series of the Magnetic North festival, and then back across the pond to see his squeeze Angela in Paris who set him up with three nights of shows in some experimental festival thing. Wowsers!

You may say to yourself, that’s a weird ‘tour’, why so many off days? Well, Guizo needs a lot of beauty rest between gigs. A LOT!

April 23rd, 2011 SPILL FESTIVAL, Barbican Arts Center, London

May 2nd, 2011THE GERSHWIN HOTEL, New York City

June 8th, 2011MAGNETIC NORTH, Saw Gallery, Ottawa

June 17-19, 2011RESPIRATIONS, Mains d’Oeuvres, Paris


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